In this segment, we will quench the gossip that goes around Scripps College, and relay the real truth: 

1. Chris Guzaitis’ was not laid off. Guzaitis chose to leave Scripps College because she did not feel it was a personal fit for her. She preferred to move back to her community in Chicago, and pursue another line of work. The reason her resignation felt so strange was because of the official Scripps e-mail, which offered no clue to what her next job was. It also did not give students a way to wish her off, and she did not appear to receive a farewell party. This had made students suspicious as to why she had left. 

2. There will not be an increase in tenure requirements. This was a rumor started after students despaired over having two great professors, Tony Crowley and Guzaitis, left Scripps College. The issue of tenure in higher education is a contentious issue however. Members of the Scripps community tend to be in support of tenure. Even here however, there are struggles in keeping a balance between professors on the tenure-track and those who are part-time and not on the tenure-track. Compared to other colleges, who are getting rid of tenure altogether, Scripps is relatively good at having professors who are tenured, and in hiring at least some new professors on the tenure-track.

We at the Scripps Voice acknowledge that the topic of tenure can be confusing, and so we will be conducting a two-part series on the tenure process, and the tenure debate. Part One will cover the tenure debate in general, and Part Two will focus on how tenure works at Scripps College. 

If you have any rumors that you have been hearing (or reading about on the Internet!)  about Scripps College, or any of the Claremont Colleges that you would like us to investigate, please email them to us at