With Erin Matheson ‘18
Staff Writer
Where are you from?
Boulder, Colo.
What is your major?
What has been your favorite class?
Core II: Constructions of (Dis)Ability
What are your extracurricular activities? (What would you recommend getting involved in?)
Claremont Colleges Ballet Company, Scripps Garden Club, Environmental Club, Water Task Force, Scripps Climate Justice, Babes and Blankets, Peer Mentor, AISS TA
How did you get involved in organizing Student Philanthropy Day? (How did you come up with the activities? Why is this event important to you? Will you organize it next year?)
I started the Garden Club last year when Philanthropy Day donated vegetable plants for the garden. Before that it had been neglected and I was very excited to bring it back for the students.
What is your dream job?
Who is your inspiration?
My grandfather. He was a Hungarian immigrant who worked for DuPont in the US to develop Tyvek (the untearable, waterproof paper that theme park admissions bracelets are made of)
What advice do you have for current and future Scripps students?
Get involved in the community and make connections to other students and professors at Scripps!