With Jasmine Russell ‘17, Staff Writer
Where are you from?
Sunnyvale, California.
What is your major?
I am dual majoring in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies (FGSS) and History.
What are you involved in on campus?
I’m a member of the Ninth Street Hooligans (a 5C a cappella group), the 5C Shakespeare Ensemble (currently putting on The Tempest), and I work at the Queer Resource Center, where I am one of the co heads of the Queer, Questioning and Allied Mentor Program (QQAMP).
Where is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place is dependent on the people I’m with. When I’m singing with the Hooligans, my favorite place is the practice room in the basement of the Performing Arts Center. When I’m hanging out with my friends and not doing anything productive, my favorite places are the Coop and the Muddhole. When I’m trying to avoid being a productive unit of this capitalist society, my favorite place is my bed.
Do you play any sports? How do you stay active?
I don’t believe in the outdoors. I “actively” criticize structurally-enforced oppression — does that count?
What’s your favorite class that you’ve taken so far?
I think Women and the Writing of Science with Professor Wernimont last semester. It was an English class that examined the roles of women as objects of science as well as practitioners of science in the Early Modern Period. The readings were really awesome. Also, as a history person, it’s nice to learn about people who are not given adequate credit for their contributions in history.
What advice do you have for current and future Scripps students?
Understand intersectionality. Listen to other people. Save your flex.