Hey Scripps! Our second annual Spring Fling will be held from Thursday, April 24 to Sunday, April 27, 2014. Spring Fling is a weekend-long collection of Scripps-sponsored programming spearheaded by SAS. The inaugural Spring Fling began in April of 2013, and included multiple events over the weekend.
The 2013 Spring Fling was co-hosted by multiple Scripps students affiliated with various groups on campus, and we hope to do the same this year!
The 2014 Spring Fling theme will be “Sailing the Scripps Sea,” and kicks off with the Staff Appreciation party on Thursday, April 24. The Staff Appreciation party is a surprise party for the student-voted Staff member of the year, where we as students thank the honored staff member for all that they have done for us this year. There will be tons of yummy goodies, so make sure to attend!
The next anchor event during Spring Fling will be the annual A-Team carnival on Friday, April 25 at 7 p.m. “All Aboard the U.S.S. A-Team,” and spend a night enjoying all the luxuries of a cruise ship with A-Team. They’ll have inflatables, games, crafts, and tons of food (including kettle corn)! The carnival will be held on the Field House field, so come out and enjoy the night.
Another anchor event of Spring Fling will be “Under the 5Cs,” a 5-College party on Saturday, April 26th. There will be a tent on Bowling Green lawn decked out in the cooling colors of the ocean, and filled with the music of a live band. So spend your next Saturday night under the sea with SAS!
The final anchor event of Spring Fling is a day at the pool. SAS is teaming up with the Residential Life staff to bring you the Spring Regatta! If you are interested in participating in the Spring Regatta, please look out for more information in one of the upcoming Weekend or Snack updates.
Following the regatta, there will be a barbeque and pool party, complete with a DJ! So come soak up some sun and take a break from all of your work this Spring Fling.
If you are interested in either planning an event for Spring Fling, or would like to have your event included in the Spring Fling line up, please email me at .
Stay SASsy Scripps!