By Natalie Camrud '17
Fashion Columnist
Lets talk about booties. They are quintessential pieces for everybody and you can get nice ones at an affordable price. I see them all over campus, on feet hurrying to class or out to parties. Even my mom arrived for parents weekend wearing a maxi skirt and black-heeled booties. You can dress them up, dress them down, pair them with shorts or with dresses. Basically all earthly combinations are possible when you own a pair of booties. If you’re looking for a versatile pair of shoes for your closet, I certainly recommend black flat booties. You won’t regret it, and if you do, give them to me (I’m a size 10).
Look 1:
Name: Sheenie Yip
Year: First
Outfit: Sheenie pairs her booties with a minimalist, athletic chic look, with black shorts, a tan crop top and a black hat to top it off.
Describe your style: “I usually dress like this in Seattle, like very minimalist, and now I’ve bought Adidas shoes, and I’m wearing more grunge-y looks. I’m just trying new stuff out, I don’t really have a defined style.”
Look 2:
Name: Maggie Lund
Year: Sophomore
Outfit: Maggie emulates a Free People catalog with distressed denim shorts, white crop top, cardigan and, of course, black booties.
Favorite item in her outfit: Her necklace. “I have no idea where I got it. Nordstrom rack maybe, in like ninth grade.”