Nested in the heart of Seal Court is Scripps’ Office of Career Planning & Resources (CP&R). The CP&R office helps students with resumes, applications and career searches. Seminars are held frequently, during which career consultants give speeches on a range of topics. Just this past month, the consultants were helping students with Scripps summer internship grants for summer 2015. For those still on the hunt for a summer job or internship, there are many helpful resources provided by CR&R.
The first step towards applying for any grant, internship or job is to create a resume. CP&R has drop-in hours weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during which a career consultant can help with job and internship search coaching, including help with resumes, cover letters, interviews, follow-up, networking and salary negotiation. A meeting can also be scheduled over the phone or by going to the office.
ClaremontConnect is a great online resource for Claremont College students searching for a job — especially if looking for a job or internship in California. ClaremontConnect can be accessed through the CP&R website where an account is necessary to log on. Creating an account is simple, and once on ClaremontConnect, one can see many opportunities posted by employers that are specifically targeted for students of the Claremont Colleges. Through an advanced search, a filter can be placed on industry, position, job function and proximity from a certain zip code found across the country. Nationwide Internship Consortium and Liberal Arts Career Networking are two other databases that are similar and can be accessed, once logged onto ClaremontConnect.
Another online resources is Life Connections. To access this, log in to the Scripps Academic Portal using your Novell username and password. Click on the student tab and scroll down to Career Planning & Resources and search by career field, geographic area, major, graduate school or other options offered. On Life Connections, one can connect by email with Scripps alumnae working in a certain field or location. Networking sample emails can be found in the 2014-2015 Career Services Guide.
The application process for jobs and internships is stressful, but after attending the summer internship grant information session and having personal meetings, CP&R proves to set Scripps students up to succeed with a multitude of tools and a helpful pair of eyes.