Half-hearted Heroines in Modern Media

With the emergence of franchises like “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent” came a new wave of young female heroines that captured moviegoers’ attention. However, The “Strong Female” character is another problematic attempt at representation of women.

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The Problem with White Feminism

Even within positive and empowering spaces specifically designed to create equality, there seems to be a hierarchy and a prioritization of some women’s issues over others.

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Deconstructing the Professional Gender Bias

Gender bias is defined as unequal treatment in a specific area that emerges from our own thoughts and expectations surrounding what appearances and actions we deem appropriate for males and females.

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Reinventing Sex Education in Schools

Sex is such a pervasive aspect of our society. From billboards to television shows, sexualities and bodies are exploited and constantly on display. Sex is treated as the end-all be-all. It is normalized and easy to talk about in snickered euphemisms-- that is, until it comes time to talk candidly about it.

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Kevin Allred Discusses Course in Beyoncé

On Thursday, Feb. 28, Kevin Allred, a professor at Rutgers University, arrived at Claremont McDenna’s Athenaeum to discuss his widely popular women and gender studies course titled “Politicizing Beyoncé: Black Feminism, U.S. Politics, and Queen Bey.”

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Man-spreading: “Stop the Spread”

Man-spreading, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, illustrates a sitting posture in which the legs are widespread, often at an exaggerated angle, so that the body is extended and as a result takes up a greater expanse of area.

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Tips to Body Positivity: Loving Your Body

Feminism columnist Evelyn Gonzalez '18 discusses body positivity and offers tips for loving oneself.

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Representing oneself with selfies

With iPhones and apps like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat it is easier and faster than ever to document our lives and upload photographs to social media platforms. 

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Representation: seeing more people like me

When I was seven, the first Cheetah Girls movie was released and, like most other seven-year-olds, I was excited by the prospect of a singing girl group (boy bands were just not my thing back then). As an adolescent girl, I was drawn in by the promise of friendship and flashy dance numbers, but besides these obviously necessary aspects of a hit motion picture, there was something about the movie that really clicked for me. It was not until recently that I realized what exactly made this movie so memorable and important — not only for myself, but for so many of its viewers. It was the first time I remember seeing someone like me in mainstream media.

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Peer victim blaming and judicial injustice

By Evelyn Gonzalez ‘18
Feminism Columnist

Recently, a powerful performance art piece entitled Carry That Weight by Emma Sulkowicz, a visual arts major at Columbia University, captured my attention. In her piece, Emma carried her dorm mattress from class to class in a demonstrated effort to have her rapist removed from campus. Her courage prompted me to think about “rape culture” and its influence in our society.  
Lynn Phillips, creator of the film Flirting with Danger, defines rape culture as “a culture in which dominant cultural ideologies, media images, social practices, and societal institutions support and condone sexual abuse.” The term “rape culture” continues to cause controversy and opposition among those who condemn it and those who deny that it really exists in our society. Choosing to willfully ignore the pervasiveness of rape culture in our society by tolerating the minimization of  the detrimental effects they have on a person creates an unhealthy atmosphere and total lack of awareness that makes it easier to place the culpability on the victim.  
One of the largest issues that arises from rape culture is victim blaming. Instead of punishing the assailants, we publicly scrutinize the victims and stigmatize them. We berate them with questions like “What were you wearing?” “Were you flirting?” “Were you intoxicated that night?” These questions are heavy with the implications that if rape occurred, the victim was at fault. It shifts the responsibility onto them. This often makes it much more difficult for victims to share their experiences with sexual assault because they feel that they are to blame. Victims should not have to defend themselves, and the fact that they do further emphasizes that we live in a society that has normalized the idea of rape.
To live in a rape culture is to be subject to a society that trivializes one’s experiences. This is exemplified by the Steubenville rape case of 2012 in which there was hardly any focus on the victim and instead many news sites lamented the damage of the rapists’ promising futures. This case was a perfect example of rape culture and illustrated how assailants are often forgiven and pitied while the victims are scrutinized and looked at with antipathy and skepticism. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network only four in every one hundred rapes will result in an actual conviction and only three rapists will spend any time in jail. We live in a world in which teaching people to protect themselves against rape becomes easier than instilling a sense of morality and emphasizing the importance of consent. When it becomes easier to deal with the aftereffects rather than first dealing with the prevention of rape, a deeper, underlying problem becomes exposed. Rape culture shows us that the ways in which we collectively think about about rape and sexual assault is problematic and leads to the permeation of increasingly harmful views about sexual violence.
Dismantling our rape culture means shifting the societal treatment of individuals for the better. By recognizing the effects of rape culture and refusing to engage in victim blaming we are creating comfortable, safe spaces for victims of sexual abuse to come forward. As a society, we must always give support and credibility to survivors of sexual assault by avoiding language and questions that prompt victimization and we must hold abusers accountable for their actions.Together we must stand in solidarity with survivors, as did many students at Columbia University who organized “collective carries” to help Emma get to class, and refuse to contribute to this all-too-present system of violence.