By Alison Kibe ‘15
SAS Media Relations Chair
Welcome back, Scripps Associated Students! We hope your classes are off to a good start. Your SAS Board started off the year at Orientation by participating in Queer Resource Center (QRC) Ally training; diversity training; Disability, Illness, and Difference Alliance (DIDA) training, as well as by meeting with senior staff and by working to come up with goals for the 2014-15 school year. The first BeHeard forum took place, and we got some great feedback on other goals we can work on.
More BeHeard Forums in which students can speak up about campus issues will occur throughout the semester. They are scheduled for the second Tuesday of every month at 8:30 p.m. Topics may include, but are not limited to, consent culture, Career Planning & Resources, mental health resources and financial aid. BeHeard Forums are not limited to once a month, however, and you are welcome to submit forum topics to SAS Vice President Sarah Chung (). These are great ways for you and us to learn more about students’ opinions and concerns on campus.
One of the long-term goals we have discussed is how SAS and the SAS boards can work to shape and participate in conversations about creating a concrete transgender admissions policy at Scripps. SAS will hold a BeHeard Forum where you will have the opportunity to discuss this topic with us and ask questions. This BeHeard Forum will take place on September 23rd at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Union.
Some of our other goals for the year include discussing the accessibility of our campus, creating quarterly reports in order to communicate better with you all, having more meetings with senior staff and attending SCORE events. If you are interested in knowing more about any of these or what else SAS is up to remember that SAS meetings are open. We ask that if you choose to attend, notify our secretary, Cherish Molezion (CMolezio9528@scr), 48 hours ahead of time.
If you want to talk directly with a SAS member, our contact information and office hours can be found on the SAS website ( Talk to us if you have comments, concerns or questions. We want to hear from you! For more information about what we have been up to, be sure to check out our weekly meeting minutes on the SAS website, and stay up-to-date with SAS-sponsored events by liking our Facebook page. We look forward to a productive year and hearing from you!