Spring is just around the corner and SAS has some awesome things coming up for everyone. Check out the new flatscreen TV in the Student Union. The TV features Scripps updates, event info, as well as student or CLORG submissions. Contact SAS President Marta Bean () to find more about how you can contribute. Also coming your way is increased access to the New York Times. Scripps students will be able to get free access to online NY Times articles — keep an eye out for the and more information in the near future.
Want to get involved in SAS? Come to the March 9 Senate meeting at 6pm in the Student Union to hear about what SAS positions there are and what they do directly from the students in those positions this year. Email current SAS members (find them at sas.scrippscollege.edu) to get the inside scoop. Statements of intent to run for SAS are due March 28. Other important upcoming dates include Scripps CLORG budget hearings for the 2014-15 year. These will be held the weekend of April 26-27 in the Student Union. Old and new leadership of each CLORG will present their accomplishments from the 2013-14 year and sketch out their plans for the 2014-15 year.
For those CLORGs and individuals still brainstorming events for the current year, FAC (Funding Advisory Committee) proposals will be considered though Monday, May 5. FAC funding is available for thesis expenses, conference expenses, and to supplement budgets for special events.
If you have other questions regarding funding, budgets, or use of student fees, feel free to contact me (Office Hours: Tues 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., ) or Maddie Ripley (Office Hours: Mon 7-9 pm, ).