Over 150 Scripps first-years voted in the Scripps Association of Students presidential election on Thurs., Sept. 24. With five different candidates vying for over 50% of the vote, the election went into a runoff. After the second round of voting, Vanessa Akinnibosun ‘19 emerged with the presidency.
Read MoreMeet Your New SAS Leaders!
On Tuesday, March 24 and Wednesday, March 25, 583 Scripps students voted in the Scripps Associated Students (SAS) elections; after run-offs on Thursday, March 26, 19 positions were filled for next year. To learn more about our new SAS leaders, read on!
Read MoreSAS Hate Speech and Social Media BeHeard Forum Tackles Anti-Semitism and Intersectional Forms of Oppression on Campus
SAS holds BeHeard forum discussing hate speech and intersectional oppression on the Claremont campuses.
Read MoreBeHeard Forum Addresses Racism on Campus
In order to address the recent occurrences of hostile racism and systematic, underlying racism on campus, Scripps Associated Students and Wanawake Weusi hosted a BeHeard Forum in the Student Union on Tuesday, Feb. 10.
Read MoreThe SAS Bimonthly
This issue's SAS update features the 2015 Power Down Challenge.
Read MoreThe SAS Bimonthly
As you all know, we recently moved to the Ventfull platform where you may post all of your own events, see the programming you care about and “upvote” the events you think are cool. I recently got some statistics that show how well Ventfull is working at the 5Cs. There are 728 users — half of whom are Scripps students (way to go, Scripps!), 202 events have been posted since school started and the most popular event is SAS Snack with 77 upvotes. I strongly encourage you all to continue using the site and adding your events!
Read MorePivotal meeting for LEED certification for new residence hall to be held
By Jessica Ng '15
SAS Sustainability Chair
The Oct. 10 Board of Trustees meeting signals a turning point for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification of the new Scripps residence hall. Higher sustainability standards and certification will become increasingly difficult after the meeting if the Buildings and Grounds Committee advances construction plans and the Finance Committee approves a budget without those considerations. Scripps has the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through both construction and certification of the residence hall. However, the Board has been hesitant about LEED certification in past discussions, and student support will be crucial — though by no means a guarantee — to build and certify beyond the basic level of sustainability.
LEED is a green certification system with four tiers: Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum, in ascending order. Despite criticism of its methods and effects, LEED remains a widely recognized marker of sustainable building; each of the other 5Cs has at least one LEED Silver or above certified building, and several California cities require new buildings to be built to Gold standards. As of fall 2012, the Board of Trustees planned to satisfy LEED Silver requirements comparable to California building code standards but did not plan to pursue certification.
Campus-wide discussion of LEED peaked two years ago and has since subsided as other issues occupied the attention of both students and the Board. In Oct. 2012, 91 percent of 230 student respondents to a SAS survey agreed or strongly agreed that “achieving LEED Silver, Gold, or Platinum certification for the new residence hall should be a priority for Scripps College.”
Nevertheless, the Board of Trustees did not commit to LEED certification at any level, nor did they commit to LEED Gold standards or above.
In response, students petitioned the Board to build to Gold standards, and SAS organized a panel in December with administrators, architects, and sustainability specialists. President Lori Bettison-Varga and former Treasurer Joanne Coville cited funding as the primary barrier to higher standards and certification. Through spring 2013, a student group sought to establish an endowment for sustainable building which could support higher LEED standards and certification. This effort ended over summer 2013 when contact with the Office of Institutional Advancement broke off.
At the time of the petition and panel, the building was estimated to cost $15 million; building and certifying to LEED Gold standards would add an estimated $0.5 million, and Platinum would add about $1.5 million. LEED specialists at the panel, however, contested these numbers, suggesting that actual costs would be significantly less. The planned building capacity has since been reduced, and members of the Sustainability Committee are acquiring updated information about building features and costs.As your Sustainability Chair, I am excited to reopen the conversation about LEED and to push for sustainability in the new residence hall. I urge you to learn about LEED at Scripps, starting with resources on the SAS website (sas.scrippscollege.edu); to contact your Board of Trustees representatives listed on the SAS website; and to join the discussion at a SAS BeHeard Forum on Tuesday, October 7 at 8:30 PM in the Student Union.
BeHeard Forum discusses trans admissions policy
Students gathered in the Student Union last week to discuss trans admissions policies at Scripps. Photo by Tyra Abraham '18
By Jocelyn Gardner '16
Mental Health Columnist
As SAS President Alex Frumkin noted at the beginning of last Tuesday’s BeHeard forum, the discussion about the trans-student admissions policy has existed at Scripps for quite some time. In light of the recent admissions policies at women’s colleges, namely Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. and Mills College in Oakland, Calif., the Scripps community has been weighing in on the possibility of adopting a similar policy to one of those colleges. During the forum, students gave reasons to support an inclusive admission policy, examined counterarguments, and asked questions about the purpose of a women’s college and the meaning of being a woman.
The Student Union was a full house, with students from across the 5Cs and Dean of Students/Vice President of Student Affairs Charlotte Johnson in attendance. The forum began with a clarification of policies. While Scripps does not have a formal policy, Mount Holyoke welcomes all applicants except cisgender males, and Mills’ website states, “admits self-identified women and people assigned female at birth who do not fit into the gender binary at the undergraduate level.” As one student pointed out, other institutions made statements on the matter as well.
Throughout the duration of the forum, students referred to admission policies of gender restriction as oppressive. “… One of the ways to make people feel comfortable [at Scripps] is to not continue to enforce reproductive oppression, which is what this matter is,” Bekah Manikowski ’16 said. “It’s oppression at the heart: not admitting gender minorities to a school that is supposed to protect the reproductive justice of all human beings, particularly its students.” Other points included the invalidation of gender identity and the idea that Scripps must move forward as other colleges change their policies to avoid the image of an oppressive institution, at the very least.
The discussion also brought about a need to explain the meaning of terms including “woman,” “women’s college,” and “oppression,” more definitively. While trying to define these terms is not something that can be achieved in an hour, students brought new dimensions to consider both in terms of the admissions policy and in students’ lives in general.
“I don’t think it’s our job or our place to start policing what a woman is,” Nicole Hourie ’17 said. “And if that’s what Scripps does, then I don’t think it’s as safe a place as we thought it was.”
In terms of the purpose of a women’s college, students expressed views that a women’s college is for those experiencing gender-based oppression, and that the point of such an institution is not to exclude people but rather to serve as a safe haven of empowerment through the education, atmosphere and opportunities.
On the other side, a few ideas contrary to inclusive admission came up in the forum. Not all alumnae feel that Scripps should broaden the policy, and there are still some misconceptions concerning gender that need to be addressed. The possibility that cisgender men might be able to pretend to identify with a different gender to take advantage of the resources of a women’s college, but students believed that this case would be unlikely. People are also concerned that the traditions and status of Scripps would be compromised.
Another point supporting a new policy is the fact that Scripps has already had transgender students. Although they cannot apply to Scripps, students who already attend Scripps can and have transitioned, which can be seen as an inconsistency in that it should not matter whether students realize their identities before or after coming to Scripps. Refusing the opportunity to create an inclusive policy on the grounds that only certain groups of people can be seen as women, students argued, would be sending a message to the current students that the groups not included do not belong — the policy might as well expel students who discover this identity during their time at Scripps.
In the end, it is up to the Board of Trustees to decide the outcome of this issue. When this will happen is not clear, though they may discuss the issue with SAS at a meeting in October. In the meantime, it is important that they hear the opinions of the students and alumnae on this matter. A way that students can continue these conversations is to speak to SAS representatives. This past week’s BeHeard forum served as a platform for invested and passionate students to critically examine a topic at the center of discussion in colleges across the country.
SAS Plans for Spring
SAS Co-Treasurer, Casey Maas '14, details upcoming SAS plans during the rest of the spring semester.
Read MoreUpdates from the SAS Faculty Relations Chair
Check out what the Faculty Staff Relations Chair, Max Greenberg '14, is up to.
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