By Lucy Altman-Newell '17
Recently admitted students to the Class of 2019 were welcomed to Scripps on April 11-14, and April 16-18. April 17 was Admitted Students Day.
The morning of April 17 began with registration and coffee in the lobby of Garrison, followed by a Welcome from Victoria Romero, VP for Enrollment, and a presentation, “Academic Excellence at Scripps,” by Amy Marcus-Newhall, VP for Academic Affairs.
Four sessions of activities followed. Session One offered presentations on financial aid; social, cultural, and recreational activities at Scripps; Core; pre-health; dance; and math. Session Two provided opportunities to learn more about English and writing, psychology, art and media studies, and study abroad and global education. Tours of Keck Science and of the Scripps College campus were offered. Session Three involved a campus and student life fair at Tiernan Field House, as well as info sessions about environmental majors, music and politics. There were also CMS Athletics and Scripps campus tours. Session Four included a resident halls tour, a “Just for Students” panel, a “Just for Parents” panel, and afternoon tea in Jaqua Quadrangle. Lunch was provided between sessions.