By Anna Cechony ‘17 & Alison Kibe ‘15
Faculty/Staff Relations & Media Relations Chair
Get ready for the 2015 Power Down Challenge! Take the pledge to conserve water and energy between Feb. 16 and March 8. Not only is this a great way to learn more about your energy and water use habits, but by reducing your consumption you can also compete against the other colleges and other Scripps residence halls. If we beat the other 4Cs, we will win The Grand Esteemed Ancient and Most Noble Green Cup of the Claremont Colleges. The winning residence hall will also be given a delicious and sustainable food party (specifics TBD) and the trophy will be displayed there.
Want to get involved in the competition? There are so many ways to participate! First, take the pledge by visiting, then start reducing! Some things you can start right away to save water are to stop (or continue to not) shave and only do laundry when you have full loads. Save electricity by unplugging appliances when not in use, reducing the brightness on your computer screen, and using the cold wash setting for laundry.
Power Down is about individual actions you can take to contribute to a more sustainable world. By participating, you are creating habits that hopefully will stick with you for many years to come. If you have any questions or want to get involved with the Power Down Team contact the SAS Sustainability Chair Jessica Ng at .
Looking for more Scripps sustainability events? Come to the Jam and Jam to make orange jam and hear some sweet jams from student musicians on Friday, Feb. 20 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Toll.